2018 Grand Opening Celebration
14th Ave NW between NW 59th and NW 61st
The intent of the 14th Ave NW Park proposes to convert two or more blocks of 14th Ave NW between NW 59th and 61st from existing roadway and parking median to a linear community park green space, green infrastructure, and incorporate safety improvements for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles for 2 blocks along the east side of the street. This proposal builds on a Visioning process begun in 2006 by the East Ballard Community Association through a Department of Neighborhood’s Small and Simple Matching Grant (14th Ave NW Visioning Project, Carlson Architects) to create a linear park along 14th Ave NW from NW 65th to Salmon Bay.
In 2011, the park received funding from through the Seattle Parks Levy and hired Mithun to work with the community to design the park. In 2016, the park was give the name “Gemenskap” pronounced Yuh-MEN-skawp), which is the Swedish word for community. This park is still in the design phase with plans to break ground by 2017.
Groundswell NW has partnered with the East Ballard Community Association since 2005 through mentorship and fiscal sponsorship.
Learn more
Twitter: @eastballard
Email Dawn Hemminger
Join us
The East Ballard Community Association meets monthly, hosts adopt a street clean ups in the Spring and Fall, and other events throughout the year. Subscribe to our newsletter to learn about the next opportunity.
How To Grow a Park - 2013 Seattle Ignite Presentation [Dawn Hemminger]