Wildlife needs our help. Human activity has changed and eliminated habitat, locally, and on the global scale, and birds, butterflies and other wildlife that are important to our plant as a whole are pushed into ever-shrinking wilderness areas.

You can make a difference. You can invite wildlife back to your own yard and neighborhood by planting a simple garden that provides habitat.  If you live in an apartment or condominium, you can still create a place for wildlife to find refuge by creating your own habitat house.  Imagine your garden teeming with singing songbirds, colorful butterflies, flitting hummingbirds, and other small wildlife.

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Pine Cones, Dry Grass & Leaves, Cardboard

interior design

Wildlife need places to hide to feel safe from people, predators, and weather.  Native vegetation is a perfect cover for terrestrial wildlife. Brush, leaves, and small crevices provide great hiding places within their bushy leaves and thorns.  You can create these places with pine cones, bamboo stakes, cardboard and grasses.  





GET CREATIVE!  Upcycle a tin can, an old picture frame or build a unique customized shape. 

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Select a place at least 5 feet minimum above finish grade--a wall, a tree or attached to a stake.  Sit back and watch your new habitat house become a wildlife sanctuary!